Monday, October 18, 2010

18 October 2010 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

  • There is no school on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday due to PSLE marking. School resumes next Monday and SA2 will commence next Monday as well.
  • Deadline for the payment of school magazine ($10) is next Monday. A NIL return on the reply slip is required.
  • English and Maths files are returned for revision.

  • Complete Grammar/Vocabulary assessment book page 94 to 147 as revision. Parents please help your child to mark the exercises that he has done (answers can be found at the back of the book). --> The boys should be able to complete all these exercises on their own as they have learnt all the required grammar items already. Thus, these grammar exercises should serve as a revision and not meant to be "re-taught".
  • Please refer to the previous post on "How to Answer Comprehension Questions" to get some tips on minimising the deduction of marks when answering comprehension questions.

Thank you and all the best for SA2!

Miss Joyce Tan

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Answer Comprehension Questions

1. Answer in a complete sentence (with a full stop)

Incomplete sentences are grammatically wrong --> marks will be deducted
  • E.g. How does Uncle Tom go to work on a fine day?
  • Incorrect: On his motorcycle
  • Correct: He goes to work on his motorcycle.

Do not start a sentence with "Because" or "It was because" --> this is grammatically wrong and marks will be deducted
  • E.g. Why does Mrs Bala take a taxi home?
  • Incorrect: Because she has many things to carry.
  • Incorrect: It was because she has many things to carry.
  • Correct: She has many things to carry.

2. Do not repeat the question in the answer

Repeating the question in the answer will not result in a deduction mark but it may cause careless (spelling/grammatical) mistakes to occur in the process of copying
  • 1st E.g. How does Uncle Tom go to work on a fine day?
  • Avoid this: Uncle Tom goes to work on his motorcycle on a fine day.
  • Use this: He goes to work on his motorcycle.

  • 2nd E.g. Why does Mrs Bala take a taxi home?
  • Avoid this: Mrs Bala takes a taxi home because she has many things to carry.
  • Use this: She has many things to carry.

3. Answer the question in the tense stipulated by the question

  • E.g. Who were Mr and Mrs Low?
  • Incorrect: They are Huiling's parents.
  • Correct: They were Huiling's parents.

  • If "does/do" appears in the question --> answer in present tense
  • If "did" appears in the question --> answer in past tense

4. Answer question that requires the meaning of a word
  • E.g. What does the word "pleased" mean?
  • Incorrect: happy
  • Incorrect: The word pleased means happy.
  • Avoid: The word "pleased" means happy.
  • Correct: It means happy.

  • The answer that is given should be able to replace the word in the passage fittingly.
  • E.g. They are very pleased --> They are very happy.
5. Answer the question that requires the quotation of a word, a phrase or a sentence from the passage
  • E.g. Which word from the passage means happy?
  • Incorrect: pleased
  • Correct: The word is "pleased".

A sentence
  • E.g. Which sentence from the passage tells you that Mr and Mrs Low are happy?
  • They are very pleased.
  • The sentence is They are very pleased. (no quotation mark)
  • The sentence is "they are very pleased." (capitalization is required)
  • The sentence is "They are very pleased". (wrong placement of full-stop)
Correct: The sentence is "They are very pleased."

Monday, October 11, 2010

11 October 2010 (Monday)


I wish you all the best for tomorrow's paper!
Do you best!


Friday, October 8, 2010

8 October 2010 (Friday)



1. 年终模拟考试(一)--星期一交

2. SA2看图写句+听力--星期二


3. 好朋友32--星期一带


1. End-of-Year Mock Exam Paper 1--Hand in on Monday

2. SA2 Picture--Sentence Construction + Listening Comprehension--Tuesday
Remember to revise.

-Words that you did not learn in your textbooks, you can write in HYPY.
-Words that you can copy, please copy it correctly.
-You can attempt to write longer sentences, but the sentence construction must be correct.

3. Hao Peng You32--Bring on Monday


Thursday, October 7, 2010

7 October 2010 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,

There is no homework today. The boys have been doing trial papers, revision worksheets and compositions this week. Files will be returned tomorrow for revision over the weekend. Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 October 2010 (Wednesday)

Dear Parents,

  • Complete spelling corrections and sign. Submit spelling book tomorrow.

Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

5 October 2010 (Tuesday)

Dear Parents,

There is no homework for today. Thank you for checking the blog!

Miss Joyce Tan



1. 听写18和19--这个星期五


1. Spelling 18 and 19--This Friday


1. 看图写句(10分)

2. 听力测验(10分)

3. 总听写(10分)

4. 考卷(55分)


1. Picture--Sentence Construction(10 marks)
12/10/2010, Tuesday.
Before recess, 30 minutes.

2. Listening Comprehension(10 marks)
12/10/2010, Tuesday.
After recess.

3. Spelling Test(10 marks)
14/10/2010, Thursday.

4. Paper 2(55 marks)
27/10/2010, Wednesday.
Before recess, 1 hour 20 minutes.


Monday, October 4, 2010

4 October 2010 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

  • Reminder: Spelling for Unit 21 will be conducted tomorrow.

  • ATM book has been returned today. Please keep the book at home for revision.

Miss Joyce Tan