Monday, January 31, 2011

31 January 2011 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

There is no announcement for today. Thank you for checking the blog!

Miss Joyce Tan

Friday, January 28, 2011

28 January 2011 (Friday)

Dear Parents,

  • Letter regarding class reading programme. Parents please sign the acknowledgment slip and return on Monday.

  • Write one journal entry over the weekend. Submit on Monday.

That's all, thank you!

Miss Tan

28 January 2011 (Friday)




1. 1A活动本--星期一交

2. 补充练习册子--星期一交

3. AMODEs《介绍玩具》

Hello everyone!

It's Chinese New Year next week! Are you excited?


1. 1A Activity Book--Hand in on Monday
Complete page 25 to 31.
This piece of work was given on Wednesday, and some of you have already handed in. Well done boys!

2. Additional Practice Booklet--Hand in on Monday
Complete page 8 to 13.
This was also given on Wednesday, some of you handed in as well!

3. AMODEs Show and Tell "My Toy"
Parents please take a look at the letter.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

27 January 2011 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,

  • Bring a single-lined exercise book labelled "Literacy Block Journal" and submit tomorrow.

  • Revise for Maths Amode 1 tomorrow. Please refer to yesterday's post for the pages to revise.
  • Complete corrections to "My Pals" workbook page 17 - 18.
  • Complete ATM book page 28 - 31.

Thank you!

Miss Tan

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 January 2011 (Wednesday)

Dear Parents,

  • Bring one empty red packet tomorrow and hand it to Miss Tan.
  • A letter regarding CCA was issued today. No action is required.

  • Complete spelling corrections and sign. Return the spelling book tomorrow.

  • Maths AMODE 1 will be carried out this Friday. Please revise "My Pals" Maths Workbook pg 5 to 14 and ATM book pg 5 to 26.
  • Both "My Pals" workbook and the ATM book was returned today for the AMODE revision.
  • Complete corrections to ATM book pg 25 - 26.

That's all for today, thank you!

Miss Tan

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25 January 2011 (Tuesday)

Dear Parents,

  • Letter regarding Chinese New Year celebration was issued today. Please refer to the letter for the date of celebration and early dismissal timing.
  • A red packet containing Mr. Lee's message was issued today. If you wish to make a donation, please submit it to Miss Tan by this Friday (place the donation into the red packet and label it with your child's name and class)

  • Complete English Learning Sheets Unit 2.1, 2.3, 2.8 and 2.11

That's all, thank you!

Miss Tan

Monday, January 24, 2011

24 January 2011 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

  • A letter regarding AMODES was issued today. Please keep it well for your reference.

  • Reminder: Spelling Unit 2 will be conducted tomorrow.

  • Complete "My Pals" 2A Part 1 workbook page 5 and 6. Submit tomorrow.

That's all for today!

A Word of Thanks
Thank you parents, for your text messages and emails that were sent while I was ill at home. It was a tough week and I thank god it's over. Truly appreciate all your concern and warmth. Thank you!

Miss Tan



1. 听写改正和家长签名--明天交

2. 听写三--一月二十七日,星期四


1. Spelling Correction and Parent Signature--Hand in Tomorrow

2. Spelling 3--27/1, Thursday


Friday, January 21, 2011

21 January 2011 (Friday)



1. 好朋友2和3--星期一交


3. 语文游戏乐FUN天


Windows UserID: 7102pstudent
Windows Password: 7102pstudent1

Your NRIC: __________
Password: fun123


1. Hao Peng You (Newspaper) 2 & 3--Hand in on Monday
Complete page 6, 7, 10 and 11.

2. $5--Bring on Monday
Please be informed that the P1- P5 pupils are required to purchase the “Tang Poetry
in Pictures” booklet ( 漫画唐诗 ) for their Civic and Moral Education lessons (P1 &
P2 – using same booklet, P3& P4- using the same booklet). The cost of the booklet is
$5. Kindly pass the payment to your child’s Chinese teacher.

3. iFlashbook Games
This website is up and working again!
As long as we have time and all of you are very obedient, I will bring you to the Computer Lab.
But you can also try it at home, play and revise at the same time, isn't it fun?

Please copy the below information onto a small card.

Windows UserID: 7102pstudent
Windows Password: 7102pstudent1

Your NRIC: __________
Password: fun123

今天Miss Tan身体还没好,又有同学生病了,大家要好好照顾身体啊!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

20 January 2011 (Thursday)


可惜Miss Tan不在……
希望Miss Tan早日痊愈哦!

We have full attendance today!
Sadly, Miss Tan is not here today...
Let's hope that she gets well soon!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

19 January 2011 (Wednesday)



1. 听写二--明天

2. 1A活动本--星期五交


1. Spelling 2--Tomorrow
Those who did not hand in your Spelling book, please remember to bring TOMORROW!
If you did not bring tomorrow, you will get ZERO!!!

2. 1A Activity Book--Hand in on Friday
Complete page 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23.
Writing practice on page 17 and 18 will be included as AMODEs.

I really hope to see all of you tomorrow~ Please stay healthy!
For those who are unwell, get well soon!


Monday, January 17, 2011

English Amode: Poem-Reading (Assessment Criteria)

Dear Parents,

These are what I will be looking out for in the boys' poem-reading (this is the criteria to achieve the maximum possible number of marks):

Pupil is completely prepared & has obviously rehearsed.

Pitch is often used & it conveys emotions appropriately.

Pauses are effectively used 2 or more times to improve meaning and/or dramatic impact.

Speaks Clearly
Speaks clearly & distinctly all (95% - 100%) the time, & mispronounces 1 - 2 words.

Loud enough to be heard by audience throughout the presentation.

I hope this information would be helpful in your revision with your child.

English Amode: Poem-Reading

Dear Parents,

For the benefit of those who are ill at home, I will post the poem here so that you can practise at home as well.

Don't Ever Ask a Centipede

Don't ever ask a centipede
to play a game of soccer.
Remember, he has 50 pairs
of sneakers in his locker.

He dribbles 50 soccer balls
with 50 pairs of shoes,
and kicks them all concurrently.
He doesn't often lose.

He's such a fierce competitor
that, if you ever meet,
at first you'll see his hundred legs
and then you'll see defeat.

--By Kenn Nesbitt

17 January 2011 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

  • Complete Spelling corrections and sign. Submit tomorrow.
  • Amode Poem Reading Sheet (Poem: Don't Ever Ask a Centipede) was issued today. Please ignore the year printed on the paper (it should be 2011 not 2010). The boys have practised reading the poem with me today. Please remind your child to practise this poem at home as they will be tested this Friday, 21 January.

That's all, thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan


1. 补充练习册子--星期三交

2. 听写家长签名--明天交


1. Additional Practice Booklet--Hand in on Wednesday
Complete page 3 to 7.

2. Spelling(Parent Signature)--Hand in Tomorrow
Please remember to do your corrections. Write 3 times for correction, use pencil.

Boys, there really quite a few boys falling sick. Please take good care of yourself, wash your hands, drink more water and take in more fruits and vegetables!
Take care!


Friday, January 14, 2011

14 January 2011 (Friday)

Dear Parents,

  • Complete ATM page 13 - 15 (these pages have been torn out already). Please note that question 4 on page 14 is changed to "Cut and paste the counting strips provided to form the value 456". The counting strips for the tens (blue in colour) and the ones (green in colour) are provided. For the hundreds, please cut those provided on page 15. Parents, it might sound a little confusing to you but your child would know what I'm talking about ;)

  • Write one journal entry over the weekend and decorate the cover of the journal.
  • Bring one single-lined exercise book on Mon and label it "Literacy Block Journal"

That's all. Have a good weekend and stay healthy!

Miss Tan

Miss Tan Needs Parent Volunteers for Literacy Block Programme

Dear Parents,

Last year, our reading programme was very successful due to 5 wonderful mothers who came to school every week (for the whole year) to read to our boys. Thank you very much Noah's mummy, Cedric's mummy, Le Bin's mummy, Andre's mummy and Brenon's mummy!

This year, we will be starting the same programme soon (once we are allocated the storybooks) and I need the help of parents to read to our boys. The 5 mothers mentioned above, if you are free to help out, please drop me a text message! Parents who wish to help our boys improve their reading, please do text me as well!

The slot that I will reserve for reading is every Thursday, 7.35am to 8.05am. Please help out if you can! Thank you!

Miss Tan

Miss Tan is Worried...

Dear Parents,

I am aware that recently there seems to be a flu bug and "fever virus" going around. Many boys (including myself) have suffered at the hands of this nasty monster and we're all falling sick. Miss Tan is in panic mode now because boys in our class are falling sick one after another. Boys, please take very good care of yourself!

In an effort to contain the spread of this infectious flu bug, let's be responsible and stay at home if we are not feeling well. Rest at home until you have fully recovered before you return to school. I have also informed the boys that all of us should have a small hand sanitizer or a packet of wet wipes in our bags at all times so that we can clean our hands readily (after games or when we sneeze into our hands). Do include these items when you are helping your child to pack his school bag.

Hopefully I will get to see all my 28 lovely angels together again...

Miss Tan

Thursday, January 13, 2011

13 January 2010 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,

  • Please submit the "Medical Record" form. If it was not submitted today, I would have written a note in your child's homework diary. Do check your child's homework diary today to ensure that he has submitted the form on time.

  • I was unable to carry out spelling this week. Therefore, spelling for Unit 1 will be carried out tomorrow. Please be prepared.

Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan

13 January 2010 (Thursday)



1. 2A活动本--明天带

2. 听写二--一月二十日,星期四

3. 书法班报名表格--最迟星期一交


1. 2A Activity Book--Bring Tomorrow
Complete page 9, 把, 几, 多 and 买.
From Chapter 2 to Chapter 5's writing practices will be included as an AMODEs component.
A=5 marks, B=4marks, C=3marks.

2. Spelling 2--20/1/2011, Thursday

3. Chinese Calligraphy Registration Form--Latest by 17/1/2011, Monday
Some boys were given the registration form yesterday, if you are interested, please hand in the form and the fees to me by Monday, 17th January.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12 January 2010 (Wednesday)



1. Letter on New School Dismissal Time and Term 1 School Calendar

2. PSG Recruitment Flyer--Return to the OFFICE by 17/1/2011


1. 听写一--明天


1. Spelling1--Tomorrow


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11 January 2010 (Tuesday)



1. 听写表

2. 听写一--一月十三日(这个星期四)

3. 2A活动本--明天交

4. 周记一--最迟明天交


1. Spelling List
It was given last Friday, the dates were written on it too.
Every spelling will be on THURSDAY unless there are special events.
Please take note!

2. Spell 1--13/1/2011(THURSDAY)

3. 2A Activity Book--Hand in Tomorrow
Complete page 2 to 6.
Many of you have already handed in the work, WELL DONE!

4. Journal 1--Latest by TOMORROW

Miss Tan is unwell, boys, do pray for her to get well soon!


Monday, January 10, 2011

10 January 2010 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

My apologies for putting up a post only at this time. I have been down with fever the past two days and my temperature went up to 39.8 degrees. Therefore, I was unable to go to school today. But rest assure that your child did not waste his time in school today. The class would have been instructed to complete certain pages of their Maths 2A Part 1 workbook (based on concepts that I have taught last Friday). I will be back tomorrow and lessons will resume. Thank you for your understanding.

Miss Joyce Tan

Friday, January 7, 2011

7 January 2011 (Friday)

Dear Parents,

  • Please complete "Pupil Medical Record" form. Submit on Monday.
  • Many boys have yet to submit their 2A books, forms, money, health booklet, etc. Parents please check your child's homework diary over the weekend for items which your child has yet to submit. I seek your assistance in reminding your child to bring these items by Monday.

  • "Information for Parents on Grammar & Vocabulary Items Covered in Term 1" was issued today. Parents please sign on the paper to indicate that your child has shown it to you. Please keep this well at home as you would need to refer to it when you are revising with your child for the exams.
  • Spelling List (Term 1) was issued today. The boys have been informed of all the dates for spelling in term 1 and they have written these dates in their spelling list. Please sign on the spelling list to indicate that your child has shown it to you.
  • Spelling (Unit 1) will be carried out on 11 January (Tuesday). Do remember to study over the weekend!

Thank you and have a good weekend!

Miss Joyce Tan

Thursday, January 6, 2011

6 January 2011 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,

Please have your child submit the following if you have not done so:
  • Individual Pupil's Particulars Form
  • Travel Declaration Form
  • Health Booklet
  • Report Book

Social Studies (Please submit the following tomorrow)
  • Catholic High School National Education Booklet
  • Social Studies Activity Book

Maths (Please submit the following tomorrow)
  • $10 for payment of ATM book
  • 2A Workbook Part 1 and Part 2 (if your child has not submitted, his name would have been recorded on the board today)
  • Maths file

English (Please submit the following tomorrow)
  • 'My Pals Are Here' Grammar Workbook
  • Oxford English Comprehension book
  • If your child did not submit the above-mentioned books, his name would have been written on the board today
  • English file
  • One single-lined exercise book labelled "Journal"
  • One single-lined exercise book labelled "MLEA"

I hope it's not too overwhelming. Thank you very much for helping to ensure that your child submits his materials on time!

Miss Joyce Tan

6 January 2011, Thursday



1. 周记--星期一交

2. 2A 课本--明天带

3. 公民与道德教育(学生读本)--明天带


1. Journal--Hand in on Monday
-Decorate your Journal with things you like, you can use stickers or wrappers! Please write down your CHINESE name.
-Complete Sentence Writing Based on Picture 1.

2. 2A Textbook--Bring TOMORROW

3. Civic And Moral Education aka CME (Student Copy)--Bring TOMORROW


See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to a new school year! I hope both you and your child have had a well-rested holiday as this year will progress at a much faster pace as compared to last year (because our precious ones are no longer in P1). Last year was considered a "honeymoon period" for them as they were new to the primary school system. But after having gone through a year of training, the boys are now expected to know very clearly what they should and should not do in school.

As they are now in P2, I would be focusing on strengthening their foundation so that they would be ready to take on more challenges in P3. I will be stricter with the boys this year so that they would learn to be more serious about their work and also to help them put in their best effort in the year-end exams.

In order to attain my goal of helping your child to reach his fullest potential in school, I need your assistance to constantly remind your child of the good behaviours that are expected in school. When the boys are focused and alert, they would then be able to learn as much as possible in school.

Now, for some housekeeping matters. Please submit the following on Friday:
  • Travel Declaration Form
  • Individual Student's Particulars Form (Any changes are to be made in blue/red ink)
  • $10 for the purchase of ATM book (I will help you buy the book)
  • All subject files
  • Health Booklet
  • All 2A workbooks/ activity books
  • 3 single-lined exercise books

That's all for now. Do remember to check the blog daily for the latest updates!

Miss Joyce Tan