Friday, May 6, 2011

Writing Assessment next Thursday

Dear Parents,

This term's writing assessment is slightly different from last term's. It is not a 4-picture composition-writing assessment. Thus, I decided to explain how the layout of the assessment will be like so that you know exactly how to help your child focus on his revision for this test.

There are two parts: Part (a) and Part (b)

Part (a)
  • You will be given the introduction and climax of a story (based on the 3 pictures which will also be shown together with the individual paragraphs).
  • There will be blanks in these paragraphs and you are required to fill in these blanks. Helping words will be given.
  • Therefore, you need to revise the Vocabulary Cloze Practice 1 to 3 (in the English file) and "Write Right" Handout 9 (pink booklet) as words will be taken from there.

Part (b)
  • The ending of the story is not given in the test. You will be shown the 4th picture (which is a continuation of the first three pictures). Based on the 4th picture, write a conclusion (story ending) of at least 30 words. Take note: you may use the helping words provided in part (a) to help you with this section as well.
  • To revise for this section, you need to go through the Writing Practice Worksheet (in the English file).
  • For further practice, take a four-picture model composition from any composition book and cover the conclusion. By looking at the 4th picture, complete the composition by writing the conclusion.
  • Remember, conclusions do not need to be lengthy. Just make sure you have a minimum of 30 words.

Parents, I hope this information will help. Feel free to call me if you need further clarification. Good luck!

Miss Tan

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