Monday, October 10, 2011

English. 10th October 2011.

Dear Parents,

For English today, we did a trial paper for listening comprehension. We will be doing trial papers for composition and the main paper tomorrow.

I have given the boys two stacks of notes today - one for composition and the other focusing on grammar. The former contains tips for writing as well as some useful phrases in which the boys may want to incorporate into their essays. Meanwhile, the grammar notes focus on pronouns, articles, determiners, possessives and connectors. I hope you find them of much help. I have made them as bite-sized as possible so the boys may easily understand the contents.

We will be having the last spelling of the year tomorrow (unit 18) as well as book exchange. Please ensure that your son is well-prepared for both activities.

Should you have any queries regarding the aforementioned handouts, please feel free to email me at

Best regards,
Miss Nurul

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