Thursday, November 3, 2011

Congratulations & Celebrations!

Dear Parents,

We have now come to the end of yet another academic year. Your child has put in a lot of effort in his work this year and on behalf of us teachers, I thank you for your guidance, patience and support. It is with great pleasure that I announce the list of top boys in the class:

1. Bryan Lim
2. Andre Hee & Samuel Neo
3. Brenon Loh & Yap Ti-An

Congratulations! :)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following parent volunteers for their involvement in the weekly reading programme - Amy, Wei Lin, Lisa, Calle and Evelyn. Thank you so much for your time & effort! The school has given you a little token of appreciation via your son. Please check that they pass it to you.

Warmest regards,
Miss Nurul

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