Thursday, November 3, 2011




1. Report Book
You will be getting your Report Book tomorrow.

2. Classes in 2012
Your class in 2012 will be written in your Report Book.

3. DVDs
Can someone bring a DVD tomorrow? Preferably a G-Rated cartoon/movie. We will watch it after settling your Report Books.


1. 为小三做准备:作文开头和结尾


1. Preparing for P3: Compo Intro & Endings
This is my last gift for all of you. Please make full use of it. I hope it will make your first compo writing in P3 easier.



Congratulations & Celebrations!

Dear Parents,

We have now come to the end of yet another academic year. Your child has put in a lot of effort in his work this year and on behalf of us teachers, I thank you for your guidance, patience and support. It is with great pleasure that I announce the list of top boys in the class:

1. Bryan Lim
2. Andre Hee & Samuel Neo
3. Brenon Loh & Yap Ti-An

Congratulations! :)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following parent volunteers for their involvement in the weekly reading programme - Amy, Wei Lin, Lisa, Calle and Evelyn. Thank you so much for your time & effort! The school has given you a little token of appreciation via your son. Please check that they pass it to you.

Warmest regards,
Miss Nurul

Wednesday, November 2, 2011




1. Report Book--4/11/2011, Friday
Report Books will be given out on this Friday. If you are going overseas before Friday, please inform me. I will leave your Report Book and booklist in the General Office. You can collect them when you are back.

2. Class in 2012
The class that you will be going to will be written in your Report Book.

3. Christmas Card Colouring--Bring Tomorrow
Boys, the Christmas Card is for the old folks in Xin Yuan Community Care, please colour it and bring them tomorrow.

4. Prize Giving Day--11/11/2011, Friday
Weeeeh! I have got the names of boys who are going on stage to receive awards on 11 Nov, Friday! Congrats! You will get to know it tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Learning Journey to Healthzone.

Dear Parents,

Here's a little add-on to Lee Laoshi's update earlier.

1. Pupils need only bring a small bag to school tomorrow, which must be brought down to the parade square for morning assembly.
2. Bring along a water bottle, pencil case and storybook. Coloured pencils may be kept in the classroom.
3. Boys who have morning practice, please come down to the parade square once your CCA teacher has dismissed you. Everyone must be accounted for before we can set off to the Healthzone.
4. There will be NO breaks prior to the bus boarding at 8am. Make sure your son has a hearty breakfast in the morning.
5. We will be back in school by 11:45am. After which, the boys will have their recess break and proceed back to class at 12:30pm.

That's all!

Best regards,
Miss Nurul

PS. I have given your son a small yellow slip of paper containing the breakdown of his marks for SA2. Please acknowledge it. Thank you!




1. Trip to Health Zone--Tomorrow

=> Wear PE attire
=> Bring your pencil case, water bottle, snacks and colour pencils (leave your colour pencils in class)
=> Bring your bag along for morning assembly
=> Have breakfast at home or before morning assembly as we will be boarding the bus at 8AM

Thank you Amy and Wei Lin for helping out tomorrow! =)


1. 公民与道德--明天带


1. CME--Bring tomorrow
Complete page 59, you have to write down at least 2 birthdays.


Monday, October 31, 2011

English. 31st October 2011.

Dear Parents,

I have returned the boys their exam papers - listening comprehension, composition and the main paper. Please have a look and sign them.

There will be no need for the boys to bring any of their English books whatsoever this week. We do, however, have learning sheets to complete (believe me, I'm not too pleased about this either) so all they need is their pencil case. Don't worry, we're more than halfway through with unit 18 already, hurray! :)

Have a great week!

Warmest regards,
Miss Nurul

Friday, October 28, 2011




1. Visit to Health Zone--02/11/2011, Wednesday
We will be going to Health Zone next Wednesday (02/11/2011) during school hours. The boys will be dismissed at 1.45PM. Please allow your child to bring some snacks along.

2. Lockers
Please clear your locker by next Tuesday.

3. Dismissal Time for Next Week
Dismissal time will be back to usual, 1.45PM from next Monday onwards.
04/11/2011 will be the last day of school.


1. SA考卷--星期一带来


1. SA Paper 2--Bring on Monday
Please remember to let your parents check and sign your paper. Bring it on Monday.


A big THANK YOU to Amy for organising a Farewell Party for 2 Kindness!

Date: 30/10/2011
Time: 5PM onwards
Venue: River Walk Apartment - Poolside
20 Upper Circular Road (Opposite Central, between Boat Quay and Clarke Quay)
Activities: Eat, play, swim (bring your swimming trunks!), chit-chat, etc~

All are welcome!


Thursday, October 27, 2011




1. Visit to Health Zone Reply Slip--Submit by TOMORROW

2. 2011 Year Book Order Form--Submit by TOMORROW
If you DO NOT want to buy it, you DO NOT have to hand in the form.


1. SA 试卷二--明天带来


1. SA Paper 2--Bring TOMORROW
Please let your parents check through your paper, make sure the marks written on the cover page are correct. Bring TOMORROW!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011




1. 2011 School Year Book Order form--Return by 28/10, Friday
Please return the form by this Friday (28/10/2011) with the $10 if you want to buy the year book.

2. Post Exams Activity (Trip to Health Zone)--Return by 28/10, Friday
Please return the reply slip by this Friday (28/10/2011).

Good luck for your Maths Paper!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Mathematics 21/10/11

Dear Parents,

I have given the boys another practice paper to do over the weekend. I will go in on Monday and Tuesday to go through the paper.

All the best for the exams and have a restful weekend.

Mr Nicholas Chua

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

English. 12th October 2011.

Dear Parents,

I have returned the pupils their Write Right notes yesterday, as well as their comprehension workbook. Today, I returned them their listening comprehension and composition trial papers. Please sign these two papers.

I will be returning their grammar workbook tomorrow, on top of their spelling book.

On another note, we have come to the end of our class library programme. Pupils are to return me the books by this Friday, 14th October. Only 19 of them have already done so.

In the meantime, all the best with the exam prep. God bless!

Miss Nurul

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

11 October 2011 Mathematics

Dear Parents,

The boys did a mathmatics trial paper today. However, some of them were unable to complete it within the examination's stipulated timing. Thus, they were rather disappointed. I have explained to them that it is a trial paper and they should learn from their mistakes.

I will tell the boys how to manage their time during the exams.

Thank you.

Mr Nicholas Chua




1. Early Dismissal on 13/10 & 14/10 (Thursday and Friday)
All boys will be dismissed at 12.30PM this Thursday and Friday due to the exams.


1. SA总听写--明天

2. 看图写画《休息时间》--明天交

3. SA看图写画--十月十四日,星期五


1. SA Final Spelling--TOMORROW

2. Compo Writing "Recess"--Submit TOMORROW
Try your best to complete it in 40 minutes, do not ask anyone for help.

3. SA Compo Writing--14/10, this Friday


Monday, October 10, 2011

English. 10th October 2011.

Dear Parents,

For English today, we did a trial paper for listening comprehension. We will be doing trial papers for composition and the main paper tomorrow.

I have given the boys two stacks of notes today - one for composition and the other focusing on grammar. The former contains tips for writing as well as some useful phrases in which the boys may want to incorporate into their essays. Meanwhile, the grammar notes focus on pronouns, articles, determiners, possessives and connectors. I hope you find them of much help. I have made them as bite-sized as possible so the boys may easily understand the contents.

We will be having the last spelling of the year tomorrow (unit 18) as well as book exchange. Please ensure that your son is well-prepared for both activities.

Should you have any queries regarding the aforementioned handouts, please feel free to email me at

Best regards,
Miss Nurul

Wednesday, October 5, 2011




1. Children's Day Cum Lower Primary Sports Day--TOMORROW
->Assemble in class by 7.15AM
->Wear PE attire (75th anniversary T-shirt is allowed )
->Bring a small bag, a water bottle and a story book
->Dismiss at 12PM
->No class party, but there will be a 1hr recess in the canteen, boys will be given coupons to buy the food

Special thanks to Amy and Lisa for taking care of the boys tomorrow!


1. 《看图写话》册子


1. "Compo Writing" Booklet
Please remember to do corrections and revise!