Thursday, February 4, 2010

4 February 2010 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,

  • Please sign AMODE 2 (which is in the Maths file) and return tomorrow.

  • Complete Learning Sheet 4.1 and submit tomorrow.

  • Register numbers 1 - 15 have completed their practice Show & Tell today (except numbers 3, 5 & 12). Boys who have completed their practice will bring home a piece of paper which contains my comments and marks. Parents please use this paper as a gauge and help your child to improve on his presentation skills. We will continue with numbers 16 - 28 tomorrow. Some points to take note of:
  • Do not lean against the wall (present yourself well and with confidence)
  • Speak LOUDLY, do not mumble
  • Elaborate more (so that you have a fuller content). Tell me why, when, how, etc.

Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan


  • AMODEs 汉语拼音1--明天
  • 补充练习(黄色册子),改正和签名,做第13到16页--明天交
  • 请记得明天把以下的东西带回来:
  1. 华文文件夹(绿色的,听力册子也要在里面哦!)
  2. 活动本
  3. 周记本子
  • AMODEs HYPY 1, from a, o, e to j, q, x--TOMORROW
  • Yellow Booklet corrections and parent signatures, do page 13 to 16--Hand in TOMORROW
  • Please remember to bring the below items TOMORROW:
  1. Chinese File (green file with the Listening Booklet in it)
  2. Activity Book
  3. Journal

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