Tuesday, February 9, 2010

9 February 2010 (Tuesday)

Dear Parents,

  • Consent form for Learning Journey to the Zoo has been issued. Parents please sign the form and submit it tomorrow together with the payment. Please refer to the letter for details.

  • A passage for the Reading Assessment has been issued (mark scheme is printed behind). Parents please go through the passage with your child and use the mark scheme to guide your child in his reading. Test date: 17 Feb (Wed)
  • Actual Show & Tell. Topic: My Favourite Animal. Boys are to bring one item (which shows his favourite animal or a representation of it) and use 6 - 8 sentences to talk about their favourite animal. Register number 1 - 15: Present on 18 Feb (Thu); Register number 16 - 28: Present on 19 Feb (Fri).
  • Miss Tan needs 5 parent volunteers to read to the boys every Wednesday from 1.05pm to 1.35pm (Literacy Block Programme). Activities and storybooks have been planned already. What the parents are required to do is just to read and carry out the activities and help the boys to enjoy reading. A briefing will be carried out by Miss Tan to guide the parents in this programme. If you are interested to help out, please give Miss Tan a call or send her an sms at 81834891 (by this Friday).

Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan


  • 汉语拼音 AMODE 1,改正和签名--明天交
  • 听写五--星期四
  • HYPY AMODE 1, corrections and parent signature--Hand in TOMORROW
  • Spelling 5--Thursday

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