Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Practice Show and Tell

Dear Parents,

The actual Show and Tell will be conducted next week. For this week, I will be doing a practice with the boys to prepare them for next week's actual assessment.

The topic for the practice Show and Tell is: Recommend a Movie (Note: This is NOT the topic for the actual Show and Tell)

Some questions which the boys can think about to help them prepare for their speech:
  1. What is the title of the movie?
  2. Who are the main characters in the movie?
  3. What is their relationship with one another?
  4. What was the story about? (Talk about the storyline)
  5. Which character do you like/dislike the most? Why?
  6. Do you like/dislike the movie? Why?
  7. Would you recommend this movie to your friends? Why?

Hope this would be beneficial to the boys.

I will carry out the practice this Friday. Just like before, I do not need the boys to be perfect. I want them to build up their confidence by standing in front of the class (before the real thing) and get a feel of how it is like when they are recommending something to their peers. There are many tests this week so I do not want them to spend too much time preparing for this as it is only a practice, but I do require them to seriously think about the above questions as it would help them when they are preparing for the actual assessment.

Feel free to call me should you need any help! Good luck! :)

Miss Tan

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