Wednesday, September 28, 2011




1. 听写二十--明天

2. 看图写话八《地铁上》--明天交



1. Spelling 20--Tomorrow

2. Compo Writing 8 "On the Train"--Hand in tomorrow
Please do it yourself, do not get help from your family, give yourself 40 minutes, try your best and check your work.

ATTN: SA Compo Writing will take 40MIN!


Dear Parents,

In lieu with Childrens' Day, Primary Two students are doing a "Family Handprint". As such, they will be required to complete the Handprints at home together with all their family members. The family could also choose a particular design for the "Handprint" to represent themselves. The completed pieces of work will thereafter be displayed outside the classrooms.

Examples: shape of a flower or a tree.

Please hand in by next Tuesday during Art lessons.

Message by the Art teacher, Ms Dawn Lee.

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