Tuesday, September 20, 2011

English & Admin matters. 20th September 2011.

Dear Parents,

Please sign your child's spelling book. There is no homework for today.

On another note, today I issued the Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) form to your child on behalf of Lee lao shi. Please return the form tomorrow as it is extremely urgent. On the first page, Mr Chua, Lee lao shi and I have indicated our preferred mode of communication with regards to providing you with feedback on your child's progress. Since Mr Chua and I are both new to the class, we are hoping to meet you in person.

Case One: If you are coming for the PTM on Friday, please indicate your attendance on the second page by filling in the subject and names of corresponding teachers in the table provided.
English - Miss Nurul Ain
Mathematics - Mr Nicholas Chua
Chinese - Miss Amber Lee
After which, circle your preferred time-slot and us teachers will try our best to accommodate your preference and keep the wait time to a minimum.

Case Two: In the event that you are unable to make it, simply indicate so on the second page. We will find an alternative way of providing you the necessary feedback. You may leave the table blank or give a -NIL- reply.

On behalf of your child's subject teachers, we seek your co-operation in making this as smooth sailing as possible. Please return the PTM form to me tomorrow so that we can collate the replies and allocate your appointment slot as soon as possible in order to inform your child the necessary information to be relayed to you by Thursday.

Thank you so much for everything and we deeply apologise for not giving out the form sooner.

Miss Nurul

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