Monday, January 11, 2010

11 January 2010 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

  • Reminder: Photo-taking for EZ Link Card tmr. Please remind your child to wear his formal school uniform wth tie.
  • Miss Tan will be collecting vouchers on Tue and Wed (refer to letter: "Back to School Gift of Love" Appeal for Gift Vouchers). If you wish to donate gift vouchers, please submit within these 2 days.

  • Spelling list issued today. Parents please sign (Miss Tan will check tmr). Dates for every spelling are written on bottom left-hand corner. Spelling will be conducted on every Tuesday (if that day is a public holiday, it will be postponed to the next school day). First spelling on 19/1/10 (Tue).
  • Information for parents on grammar/vocab items covered in Term 1 (printed on A4-sized white paper). Parents please sign (Miss Tan will check tmr).

Thank you.


  • We have finished HYPY a, o, e, i, u, ü, y, w and the 4 tones. Please revise with the boys.
  • There is a boy who did not bring home his Chinese Spelling List. It is on the whiteboard. If your boy have lost his spelling list, please inform me.

  • 我们已经学了汉语拼音a, o, e, i, u, ü, y, w 和四个声调,请家长同孩子们温习。
  • 有同学忘了把听写表带回家了,我把它粘在白板上了。如果您的孩子的听写表不见了,请来告诉我。

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