Thursday, January 7, 2010

7th January 2010 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,


  • There is "Fun Friday" on every Friday. Please remind your child to wear his PE attire tmr
  • Health screening will take place next week. Please submit these items if you have not done so: Health Booklet, Medical Information Form & Immunisation Consent Form (these 2 forms can be obtained from the blue health information booklet pg 2 - 5)


  • Submit English file tmr (brown)
  • Submit one single-lined exercise book (for MLEA Writing)


  • Submit Maths file tmr (red)
(PS: I have collected the above items (English & Maths) from boys who have it with them today. For boys who did not submit the above items today, pls submit tmr.)

Thank you.

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