Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April 2010 (Monday)

Dear Parents,

  • Sign SA1 Spelling list. Show Miss Tan on Wednesday. (Note: Out of the 30 words, 10 words will be tested in the Listening Comprehension Exam). To ensure that the boys have learnt all 30 words well, I will be testing them on 3 different days. Spelling words 1 - 10: 4th May (Tue); Spelling words 11 - 20: 10th May (Mon); Spelling words 21 - 30: 14th May (Fri).
  • Spelling (Unit 11) will be conducted on Wednesday.
  • Oral practice for picture discussion was given today (Practice 1 & 2). You may use these 2 pictures for practice at home. Techniques and tips have been taught in class. Please revise with your child and get him to recall what was taught in class.

Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan


1. 1A活动本,第62页--明天交

2. 总听写表

3. 看图说话参考资料


1. 1A Activity Book, page 62--Hand in TOMORROW
We have done page 63 to 65 in class, for those who did not bring, please remember to do it at home.
There are many boys who have done page 62 and handed in! *Claps*

2. SA1 Final Spelling List
I have given out the Final Spelling List (printed with the Oral picture notes), parents please sign it and let your boy show it to me TOMORROW.

3. Oral Picture Notes
It is a 2 paged paper printed together with the Final Spelling List. I will return it immediately after I see the signature.


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