Monday, April 26, 2010

Tips for SA1 English Exam

Dear Parents,

SA1 exam is drawing near and I see our boys making mistakes, which if corrected, will help them to retain quite a lot of marks in their exam papers. Every now and then I will be dropping hints for the exam or highlighting common mistakes which the boys make. Please check the blog regularly for these exam tips!

English (Comprehension Open-ended)
  • Do not start a sentence with "Because...". (incomplete sentence - zero marks)
  • Do not start a sentence with "It is because..." (wrong sentence structure - zero marks)
  • Example: Question - "Why was Jane wet?" Be precise and straight to the point in your answer. Your answer should be put simply as "She had fallen into the pond." or "She fell into the pond."
  • Tip: Avoid using the word "because" (to make sure that you will not end up forming the wrong sentence structure). Just be straight to the point.
  • If a question is phrased in the past tense (you know it's past tense when you see the word "did"), you answer in past tense. If the question is phrased in present tense, you answer in present tense.

English (Comprehension MCQ)
  • The passage for the comprehension MCQ can come in many forms (story, advertisements, invitations, etc)
  • For revision, please revise food recipe.
  • Let your boy read more food recipes and familiarise himself with the format of a recipe.
  • (I can't be more obvious than that already......................)

That's all for today. Let's work hard together to help our boys achieve their greatest potential!

Miss Joyce Tan

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