Thursday, April 22, 2010

22 April 2010 (Thursday)

Dear Parents,

  • Complete spelling corrections and sign. Submit tomorrow.
  • The boys were given a "surprise English test" today. If your child comes home today and tells you that he sat for an English exam today, please do not be alarmed. The marks are not counted. It was actually a trial (revision) paper to prepare them for the exam. The boys are still in their "lala-land" and exam is drawing near, thus I gave them a mock English exam so that they would get a feel of how an exam is like. I will return and go through the paper with them soon. Parents, when the paper is returned, you can use it to have a gauge of your child's standard and focus on revising the section which your child is weak in.
  • Subtraction revision worksheet - complete and submit tomorrow.

Thank you.

Miss Joyce Tan

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